Evista Munkáink


Evista Részletek

We are proud to announce that Evista is a member of the EICAA project. The project “Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Competences Assessment Alliance” (EICAA), started on 01.01.2021, is an Erasmus+ funded knowledge alliance coordinated by Univations with a duration of 3 years and is subject to the supervision of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission(EACEA). The consortium includes 8 organisations (5 universities, 3 companies) other then ourselves.

EICAA aims to develop a digital platform for the assessment and development of entrepreneurial competences. This will enable universities, companies and organisations to carry out profiling and monitoring of entrepreneurial competences (e.g. among students or employees). An essential conceptual basis for this is the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, which was developed by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission.

We are partnered with the following organisations:

  • Univations GmBH (Germany)
  • Adsata (Germany)
  • University of Hohenheim (Germany)
  • TecnoCampus (Spain)
  • Antwerp Management School (Belgium)
  • Management Center Innsbruck – MCI® (Austria)
  • ProMedia Kommunikation GmbH (Austria)
  • University of Szeged (Hungary)



Projekt éve
